Words related to category: Ts-W Handling and physical transfer Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
asdigaa take off | basaxk divided | baal feel | ba̱xbets take up | gidigaat catch | gisg̱ats pour | gyep dip water | gyo'mit actions | g̱alamsk remove | g̱aymag̱n pry | g̱a̱ldm'aks bucket | g̱a̱niwaal keep doing something | g̱a̱niwilawaal continuously do (something) | ho'on fill | hoy wear/use | hoyks used for | ksi gyełk poke out | ksi g̱ol throw out | k'yidos submerge | ḵ'ayaan club something | ḵ'ox pluck | laak'wil wrap up | liip'l tear up | ludapk try on | lugyigyootk put in sideways | luk'yan put in | lutxasgüü put in lengthwise | lu tgi ma̱x put right into | lu yüü hide behind | 'liibaaltk check over by touching | łool push | ma̱x put | 'naka reach out reach | 'onda distribute | p'iił mashed smash | p'iiłk mashed | sayüü hide | sa̱gaa take off | sg̱a̱nis nudge | sitya'msk change clothes | txalts'aalp pin down/be jammed | txa yaawk take along | ts'ilmgaa take in | ts'ilmma̱x put in | ts'oolks skin an animal | uksgaa take out | uksg̱ats pour out | *wask put on | wa̱sga waa get a name | wa̱sn put on a blanket | wudznma̱x put out the back | 'wahgyoomswaal carelessly done | 'wahsaal handle roughly | xba̱gaa take away | ya'an pass around | ya'ansk distribution | yaask distribute gifts | yaat pass around | 'ya̱g̱a̱gaa take down | 'ya̱g̱a̱se'ik pull down |